
Collection No.96

No.96 IMCO-TRIPLEX JUNIOR 6600 旧タイプ(第一世代)分解用

購入時期: 2019年11月
購入先: ebay(出品者国:ブルガリア)
購入額: $10.00+送料($6.80)
状態: Used


Maintain Collection No.27 Maintenance [English ver.]

Left: No.27 Right: No.28

I maintain Collection No.27 IMCO-TRIPLEX STREAMLINE 6800 on the left of the photo.
I would like to remove the rust like a scab at the bottom of the streamline.
The rust is quite solidly on the bottom of the streamline.
I don't know how far I can take it, but I will try to remove as much as I can.